1st Chronicles 16:11 - Kayla's Korner

1 Chronicles 16:11 

“Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always.” 

The last few months have been hard for me. I felt like Satan was trying to tear me down anyway he could. I had two people decided to drop out of my wedding party. I was in the midst of preparing everything for vacation bible school, then I decided to get sick for a week, and finally we had people quitting left and right at work, which was making my job more difficult. Through all of this I never once turned away from God! If it wasn’t for the strength and rest that I received from Him, I wouldn’t have made it. 

Sometimes we don’t think we need God’s strength. We get in a mindset that we have it all under control and that we will keep it under control. What I think we are really missing is that God is in control! And, with his strength we can continue  His plan for our life. If you are someone like me, who always likes to take control of your life, I challenge you to pray this month for patience, and strength from God to