His Name is Flowing Oil???

In Dalton Georgia, Jerry Pearce runs a ministry focused around a miracle Bible. Jerry claims his ministry started when he founded a small Bible study. After a night of prayer and worship with his Bible study, Jerry noticed a wet mark on his Bible coming from Psalm 39 that seeped through to Psalm 63. He and his followers decided that oil made the wet mark. Later this wet mark grew and grew until the oil spewed out of the Bible. They first put it in a Ziplock bag, but that was too small. Eventually, the Bible produce so much oil did they had to put it into a large plastic container.

When word spread about his Bible, people flocked from all around the world to worship with Jerry at his ministry center in Dalton GA. There he would hand out vials of the oil from the leaking Bible and pray with the people that came. Many of the people that worshipped with Jerry reported being healed by contact with the oil. In total, he gave away over 150,000 vials.

Last month the Times Free Press published an investigation into Jerry’s ministry. They took one of the vials of oil and ran a test on it finding that it was normal old mineral oil like one would find in a hardware store. Then even more shocking they found that Jerry regularly bought several gallons of mineral oil from the Tractor supply in Dalton GA. Following the publication of the Times Free Press investigation His Name is Flowing Oil Ministry has canceled all their future prayer services.

It seems Jerry and his miraculous Bible were frauds. It seems like Jerry was nothing more than a snake-oil salesman. However, that does not mean our Christian faith is any less valid. Good Christian people traveled to see Jerry and his Bible, they had true faith in God. Faith can move mountains, with or without miracle oil. It seems like every few years we see something like this. Some person supposedly working for the church is just a fraud. Things like this make people question their faith and wonder what else is a fraud. But faith is not fraudulent no matter what humans do. We have faith in God and Jesus as God’s perfect son in part, because we know people are not perfect. So, the next time something like this happens don’t let it shake your faith, God is real, even if humans can be fakes.