On Sunday, January 8th, our new regional minister, Rev. Donald Gillett, will visit Hurstbourne Christian Church! It is always exciting for our church to host a regional minister, but hosting our new regional minister Don Gillett will be something even more special. Don has been working hard to build up the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Kentucky. Since being called as our regional minister on August 1, 2021, Don Gillett has helped to secure the regional budget, build up several struggling churches, plan a regional assembly, and a general assembly, and so much more.
Don has deep roots in Kentucky, having served 22 years as the pastor at East Second Street Christian Church in Lexington. Don is known for being a fiery and passionate preacher. As someone who has listened to his sermons, I can tell you that you can feel the spirit moving through him. But Don is more than just a fiery preacher. He is an extremely well educated man, and you feel that in each one of his sermons.
Theologically, he holds a Master’s Degree in Divinity and a Doctorate Degree in Ministry, but he also holds a Bachelors Degree in Mathematics and a Master’s in Business Administration. You will miss out if you don’t come in person to hear Don deliver our message on Jan 8 or at least tune in online if you are unable to come in person. It is an exciting time for our church and a great way to start the new year.