Preparing Ourselves - Kayla's Korner

Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

As Christians we are called to be kind to one another. That even includes those we don’t like very much. When I was 15 my best friend and I got into a big fight, and it took me forever to forgive her. If it wasn’t for that fight that we had, I wouldn’t have learned how truly important forgiveness is. God shows each of us kindness, even though we hurt Him time after time sinning. But He still forgives us and shows kindness towards us. When others hurt me or do something I may not consider “right”, I choose to show them kindness and forgiveness because I strive to be a good Christian and do what God calls of me. I also don’t want to live a life full of hate and holding a grudge against others. This month pray for God to give you a forgiving heart, so that others may see Christ through you! If you don’t forgive or show kindness, how are you going to share God’s Word with others?