Summer - Kayla's Korner

Psalm 113:3

“From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised!”

The Lord’s name is to be praised! It is something we should do daily! I feel like when summer hits sometimes we lose sight of praising God. We forget to read our Bibles, we forget to pray, and maybe we decide to take the summer off from Church. Do you think God ever takes a break from His relationship with us? I personally don’t think so, so why should we take a break from Him? This summer I hope everyone praises God in the morning and praises God at night. Something I did to help build my relationship with God was download the Bible app on my phone. It can be hard to carry a Bible around with me everywhere I go. If I ever find myself needing to hear God’s word or have an opportunity to share God’s word with someone, I can use the Bible app. There are so many different and unique ways we can praise God in today’s world. So how are you going to praise Him this summer? 
