Thanks for the Journey - Mike's Manna

In December 2007, I was called by the Regional Minister of the Christian Church In Kentucky to “come and help get Hurstbourne Christian Church through the Advent season,” during a difficult time in this congregation’s life. I had no intent of staying for the subsequent interim and certainly not of accepting the call to serve as your Pastor. But God had a different plan, and I am so glad the Lord brought us together.

For thirteen years we have traveled life’s highway together. We have stood on mountains and rejoiced in births and baptisms, missions and miracles of faith, weddings and wonderful days of healing and new health, individually and as a congregation. We have wandered through those lonesome valleys of illness, death, misunderstanding, separation, and despair. And we have traversed those plateaus of daily duty and service in Jesus’s name. What a wonderful journey it has been!

Through it all, I have tried to the best of my ability to be faithful to God’s call and loyal to the trust of this congregation.

I am so thankful that the Lord has let us walk and work together for a while.

After three years as a student and forty-seven years as an ordained pastor, I can think of no better place to close my full-time ministry than here at Hurstbourne and with you.

By contractual agreement, I have notified the Executive Team and Administrative Council of my intent to retire as Senior Pastor of Hurstbourne Christian Church, December 31, 2020. As per conversation with our congregational leadership and staff, I will be available in a consultative, transitional part-time role through June 30, 2021.

You will forever be dear to me and hold a cherished place in my heart and life’s story. Though I will cease being your “Pastor,” I will forever be your “Friend.”

For what has been, let us thank the Lord. And for what will be, let us take God’s hand and say “Yes!” to the continuing journey.