“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” – 2 Corinthians 9:15
What is God’s Gift to us? The answer to this question is quite simple. God sent His one and only Son Jesus Christ to earth to be the final sacrifice for our sins. I don’t know about you, but to me, that is one of the most special gifts I have ever received.
Let’s breakdown 2 Corinthians 9:15 for a moment to really understand what Paul is trying to share with us. “Thanks be to God…”, Here we read that Paul burst out in an exclamation of appreciation to God. “…for His indescribable…” The Greek word for indescribable is not used anywhere else in the New Testament and is translated as “Unutterable.” This means that words cannot describe, and no human can fully appreciate the magnitude of the gift.
Gift giving is something that I love to do, gift giving brings joy to my heart. Seeing the other person open their gift from me, and seeing their reaction warms my heart with Joy. I know gift giving isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and that’s ok. Jesus and His sacrifice is the most indescribable gift we could receive. Christmas time can be stressful, but it can also be a joyous time. While you are gift shopping this season, remember God who gave the most incredible gift to each one of us and maybe this year gift giving will be a little more joyous for you. I can’t begin to imagine how God feels each time someone accepts His gift of Christ.
Blessings Kayla Hass
Dear God,
We thank you for giving the gift of grace. For giving us the opportunity of receiving a relationship with you. As we move into the Christmas season this year, let us remember all you have done for us and continue to do. Let us not get wrapped up in the gifts, but rather focus on you and the gift you have given us. Amen
Kayla Marie Hass