Five Years from Now

As we kick off the new year we're also kicking off a new period for our church, a period of revisioning.

Starting in January our sermon series in which we will intentionally ask big questions about how you see the church and where we see it going. We together will find the answer to what we want the church to look like in five years and how we will get it there.

We will answer questions like:

What does the church look like in five years?

How do you want the church to grow?

What programs would you like the church to have?

How will the church address needs in our community?

What are our church's faith pillars?

What are some things our church is currently doing that need to be reworked?

All of these questions need to be answered to become the church we want to be.  As we work through this January sermon series we will send out an intentional survey. Asking you questions about your thoughts on the future of Hurstbourne Christian Church. Please take the time to fill them out and give us as much detail as possible.

At the end of the series, we will create a vision team. That will go through those surveys and formulate a vision and mission statement that sums up what we want Hurstbourne Christian Church to become.

I would like to thank you all for your participation and enthusiasm as we create a new vision of the church together.