Love - Kayla's Korner

What word comes to mind when you think of the month February? For most, it’s the word “love”. Love is such a strong word because it has such a strong meaning to us. Growing up, I had many people in my life who showed me love. My mother, my stepfather, my wonderful grandparents, my aunt, and my husband. Love can be shown in different ways, I learned in my teenage years, that my parents weren’t getting onto me because they don’t like me, but, because they love me and care about me.

The word love appears many times in the Bible. In the English Standard Version, it appears 684 times! I think that’s quite a bit. John 15:12 “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” Jesus commanded us to love each other. Sometimes it can be hard to show love toward someone who isn’t nice to us, but Jesus wants us to still love this person. It took me awhile to learn to love those who didn’t like me, and those who discouraged me from my calling in ministry. As I learned more of how Christ loved, I begin to understand how to love others as He did. It took time and a lot of prayer, but I eventually learned.

I pray that this month you also learn Jesus’ commandment given to us in John 15:12.

Blessings, Kayla