I Wish you More - Cheryl's Memories

There is a children’s book that I love, I Wish You More! , by Amy Krouse Rosenthal, illustrated by Tom Lichtenheld. It chokes me up every time I read it. It contains the sentiment of my wish of more for you, my Hurstbourne adopted family. First, I’d like to share how I ended up here. I’ll shorten it to the highlights. I was looking for a part time position that would accommodate travel with Scott. I also was NOT looking for church work. My experience with that was someone telling me that they tithed so that made them my boss. It was an uncomfortable situation I never wanted to be in again.

I left for the interview with a statement to Scott, “I’ll go but I’m don’t want to be working for a church again.” He told me to take “I” out of it and ask God to make a clear statement of what was the right place… So, I went.

Those first minutes of chatting with Mike Gatton didn’t feel like an interview, it felt like a place I should be. I actually told him as I left, “I was going to say, “no’, no matter what you offered or said. I was going to say, “no”.” God really moved quickly in my heart that day and I am so grateful.

I have come to love each one of you for your own special gifts. I miss terribly my semiweekly call from Harper Lohr to just chat and share his memories. I completely miss Karl and his wonderful gift of instruction and detail when I worked with him on the newsletter and the above and beyond, he went to decorate when I was the guest speaker for the breakfast.

I miss Tuesdays. I was when Joy and Hulda stopped in to chat before they create letters and cards to remind the HCC family of their connection to ministry. I miss the Gamers! I would work on mailing or my bring lunch and sit and visit with them as they played that crazy card game that they play.

All these people and things have been gradually taken away by this past 2 years of weirdness, but it was in planning. For which God does a great job. I’ve experienced the realities of Jerimiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

The “future” brought the sale of our house in 2021 and and prosperity as well as a plan of transition for 2023. God seems to have a faster time line than we set. I described 2021 as the year God opened a door, then a window creating a wind tunnel that sucked us out and forward. He has taken obstacles out of the way and given us clear and decisive answers when options were put before us. Everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING, has fallen in place for us to go forward. As a result, we will be moving in March 2022, instead of March 2023, to Florida.

Those “missing out” preparations of 2021 will help me when I begin missing the happy notes left for me to find on random days from Dan. Or those unplanned pop ins from Bonnie to see how I am, ask about my family or bringing me a special cup of tea on a cold day. I’ll miss the ladies and their monthly meeting that let me snag quick hugs and news. Art and his magnificent brain for numbers and keeping us on track will be a void left in my week. There are so many other people and too many things to list. I wish there was MORE space that I could share them all because…

You see that first day you adopted me and had I not listened, I would have missed out on so much generosity, love and acceptance. You, my sweet HCC family, have treated me so well and I feel like our next steps that prosper us are abandoning you. Please know this. I love you and I recognize that I have been greatly blessed to be here and be accepted into the HCC family!

So, in a few of the words from that children's book, I Wish You More!

“I wish you more… More ups than downs. More hugs than ughs. More give than take. More we than me. More pause than fast-forward. I wish you more because you all are more than I could ever have wished for and more!”

This one is mine.

It is for you and my last one…

I wish you more...

