Goodbye Winter; Hello Spring - Kayla's Kornor

Song of Songs 2:11-12 CSB

"For now the winter is past;

the rain has ended and gone away.

The blossoms appear in the countryside.

The time of singing has come,

and the turtledove’s cooing is heard in our land."

I know most of us are overjoyed that winter is finally gone. That we are finally moving into a season of warmer weather. I am one who always looks forward to the spring time because I enjoy the nice cool breeze and seeing the birds in their nest. Winter was nice for the moment it was here, but now it is a new season. With this new season we can grow in our faith and grow in our relationship with Christ. The beginning of a new season is an opportunity to continue to develop our faith. The winter time has come and gone, Spring is now upon us. What will you do in this new season?