Growing the Church - Reece's Peace's

Last month I was scheduled to speak at our prayer breakfast. Unfortunately, do the rising COVID cases, the breakfast was postponed until November.

However, I still want to give a little information about the breakfast topic to prepare you for the November breakfast.

Here are four basic questions about church growth:

Why should the church grow?

-        For the benefit of people not attending. Our church has something special and we need to invite people so they too can experience our church.

Who do we want to join?

-        The basic answer is anyone, but we are focusing on certain groups. The three groups that we're focused on growing are empty nesters or almost empty nesters, couples without children or with very young children, and retirees. We have the most ability to provide programming for these people and therefore can probably provide them the most benefit. However, they are by no means the only people we want to join.

How do we get new people to come?

-        It is a church-wide effort. It can't be something done by just staff or a select few members. It's something that we all need to come together to do. There are four main ways people can come to know our church. By a personal invitation, social media post, online search or research into our church, or by driving by. These four are in order from the most likely to succeed to the least likely to succeed. When personally invited, people are very likely to attend our church. Meanwhile, people who drive by often just drive by. However, they are also in order from most difficult to least difficult. It takes lots of effort to personally invite someone to come to our church while it takes no effort on our part for someone to drive by. The harder you work the greater the reward.

What do we do after they come?

-        It is important to not overwhelm visitors, but we also need to make them feel wanted. Be friendly but not overbearing. Most visitors arrive before church starts and leave immediately after, if not before it ends. When you see them it's important to ask them a few questions. Why are they here? Are they looking for a new church or are they just visiting the city? Invite them to fill out one of the visitor contact inserts and make sure you invite them to a fellowship event happening at the church later on.