Jesus is the Reason for the Season - Kayla's Korner

Luke 2:11 ESV 

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”


Christmas is always a great way to end our long hard working year and Sometimes we get so wrapped up in Christmas shopping, the Christmas movies, and making sure our children get to see Santa at the mall. All of that is fun! I enjoy gift giving, I love to see the reaction of others when they open the gift I got them, for me that is the best feeling in the world. 2021 has been another tough year, with all the COVID still going on, and now here we are in the holiday season and we just want to celebrate with our families. Every year, my family would make a cake for Jesus and we would all sing Happy birthday to Him. That was our way of remembering Him. This year, think of some ways you can remember the birth of Jesus and how you can share that with others during all the holiday festivities.  I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving and Christmas!